MWZ 24 sponsors since more than a decade now the national paragliding competition sport.
NEW! Congratulation to Andreas "Pepe" Malecki for his fourth title 2020 as a German Champion! Chapeau!
We will support 2021 again the (due Covid19) canceled 11th Mosel Open, an international paragliding event located at the Mittelmosel Riversite. This Year more than 200 international Top Pilots from 28 different Nations and local XC Cracks registered for the 4 day meeting to battle with daily tasks in between 35km and up to 100km flight distance. Only 85 piots will be selected according to their world ranking. The pilots are collecting important World Ranking Points to be selected for the national teams or even qualify national paragliding leagues. The int. Mosel Open have been for many young pilots and comp rookies the first step into the national leaugue and later in to the National Team.
More infos , pictures and videos here
MWZ 24 still supports the German Top Pilot Andreas Malecki who consistently flies under the top ten pilots world wide. He just became German Champion again! 4 times Champion since 2011 a record in Germany. Pepe has won several international top events, as the current German Champion and with his 3rd place overall at the worlds in Spain 2011 he became World Champion with the German Team 2015 and he is still belonging to the bigger circle of favourites for a big title 2019.
Live Reports on Pepes Blog
Tandem Flights for MWZ 24 customers.
MWZ 24 offers it’s customers from April to October, the possibility to go paragliding with a pilot for a special price (depending on length of flight). Contact.
The flight area, is located ath the Mittelmosel between Traben Trarbach and Trier. The tandem pilots are experts and guarantee a great experience.The flights can be booked every weekend from Friday to Sunday, as long as the weather is playing. In summer or golden autumm flight conditions are moderate and offer an unforgettable panorama of the grape harvest and not only from a birds eye view. And if requested we can gladly offer our customers a weekend stay at one of the resident Wine makers, wine tasting included! Ambitious cyclists as well as the not so ambitious can discover fantastic cycling tours starting from 30km along the Mosel up to 150km to the Eifel and back.
Interested ?
Further information here
or can be given in person
Oliver blonske